
another thought continues..

While chatting with my senior tonight, I found this article shared on facebook (mau mandi seceng dulu)

I've just written my thought about knowing your blessings this evening, and this article reminded me to be even more conscious about every little blessing that we have. For me, I was born and live in Bogor, the so-called "kota hujan" (the city of rain). Water is superfluous here, and not only abundant amount of water, but really good water, the water is super clean in Bogor (but we hate it so much when it's raining, right?) So, I take it for granted (AGAIN..) while a lot of people out there don't even have clean water to use. I feel terribly sorry :(

Now I am thankful for the rain that hasn't stopped since I wrote my blog this evening (yes, it's STILL raining now), but no black-out please ;p

Keep knowing your blessings!


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