
Singapore Bound #4

Day 4 : Changi

Holiday had to end here apparently..

Day 4 was our last day in Singapore in which we spent checking around the neighborhood in the morning. We had our breakfast in one of the neighborhood center and bought the $1 ice cream for dessert. We had ice cream at breakfast :D Ice cream is always irresistible, right? You just want to have ice cream at any time during the day, even in winter.

After the dessert, we walked back to our hotel and got ready to go to the airport.

Arriving at Changi, we directly went to our airways counter to check in our luggage so we could walk around carefreely. We planned checking on every facilities available at Changi, which we did. We found the movie theatre near the Sunflower Garden but the movies were nah, so we decided to look around. It was pretty good that an airport has fish ponds and gardens inside. When you have nothing to do waiting for your next flight, you can do various activities, can even hit the gym in the airport which I'm sure I won't do *I might miss the next flight dozing off on the chair after workout

But we felt bored eventually because that's all an airport can offer. It kept you busy for the first few hours when you just arrived and got really excited about exploring it. We ate, we strolled, we shopped til drop, literally entered (well, almost) every shops. Then our legs gave up and we just sat waiting for our flight to bring us home. Noo, holiday really had to end here *sad

I really think Singapore is a nice place to stay, it's very very neat and clean, everything is super coordinated. I dreamt that I would live abroad one day *I did when I studied in China, but hey my dream was so much more than that. So, we'll see where life will bring me.

But for now, back to reality.. Bye Singapore!

- meLLe- 

P.S. I'm glad that I insisted on going to Singapore this time with Monic and Intan because later on I found out that I got accepted to do my internship in a hospital in Bandung and Monic got accepted to a university in Ireland. So this was like our vacation before we walked separate ways for a while ---> means study

Oh, and, sorry for the lack of pictures here. I took most of the photos of Changi in my S2, haven't transfer the photos to my laptop *adding some pictures later ^^ 

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