
KNOW your blessings

Hello Tuesday!

No driving course today so I just cook, do a little bit of cleaning, a bunch of reading and now another little bit of writing. It is good to finally be back home after staying overseas for years, but actually I am not that kind who can just stay at home. Man, it's the hardest thing to do. I just need to go out everyday. Life has been so different since I'm back to my home country. Can't really go out by yourself, right? (You know what I mean if you've been living overseas.) And I've been submitting tons of application letters but haven't heard any reply.. So yeah I'll just keep submitting tons and tons of application letters until I get the job. I can get another job actually but I want to try something new first without pulling any strings. No strings attached, please! ;)

Knowing your blessings is very important. Yes, knowing, to know your blessings, and not counting your blessings. We should know our blessings everyday (by being grumpy above I've been such a hypocrite :( .., but I still want to keep writing about knowing your blessings anyway, hehe). To count our blessings is simply impossible, there's too much blessings that we receive everyday (I have lost count of it). Our existence and the presence of our loved ones.. Breathing the air, hearing the raindrops falling on the ground and smelling the smell of rain (it's raining now).. Having a place to shelter from the rain (since it's raining ;p).. Having my mom in my life for 23 years.. Having relatives that really care for me.. Have had studying abroad.. Those are some of my blessings that I really grateful for, and there are so much mooooree that I can not mention one by one or even if I try to mention it in few pages may be I can not recall all of it. 

I always take everything and everyone for granted eventhough I have lost one of my dearest aunties. I was just saying I don't want to take anything or anyone for granted anymore, until my mom passed away. And even after that I tried to runaway from my bitter memory and I stopped realising my blessings. I didn't even try to pick the silver linings out of the dark clouds. It has gotten better day by day but I was just like 'yeah whatever' with my life. It doesn't mean that I haven't been taking care of my life, I'm still moving on with my life. It's just I can never be contented with anything. But yesterday one of my aunties came to visit me and we talked a lot about life, about the memories and I felt much better. So I decided to start knowing my blessings everyday and be happy.

Don't forget to know your blessings people! So we may be contented with everything we have in our lives. Be grateful, be thankful and be HAPPY! Gbu :)


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