
a new chapter, a new beginning

Hi there, 

This is not my first post on blogger but this is my first post in my newly created blog. So shall I call it a come back? 

Creating a new blog and not continuing the old one doesn't mean that I want to runaway from my past and leaving it behind and to never look back forever, or to lock it up and throw away the key! Instead I want to keep it in a treasure chest and cherishing my good memories. My past and my memories are my teacher, the witness of my life journey and the lesson I can use to move forward. 
'Cause there were too many good memories to embrace~

So here I am with a new page, wanting to start afresh while feeling artsy!

P.S. u can also check my tumblr on melisahs.tumblr.com which I think pretty much reflecting my soul better than words and where I pour my heart out or just randomly picking out my fave pictures. "A picture is worth a thousand words" When I really don't know how to express myself, I am lost...


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