
Singapore Bound #2

I'm in the mood for blogging tonight, so gonna blog away through my short visit to Singapore.

Day 2 : Universal Studios Singapore

My friends and I decided that we were just gonna stroll the night in Singapore on our first day to save our energy for the highlight on our second day. We were planning to spend the whole day at Universal Studios, from opening til close, yep, it's from 10am - 7pm.

We woke up early in the morning then went to HarbourFront (VivoCity) to take the Sentosa Express to Waterfront. We were there before the gate opened to find there's already quite a queue forming in front of the gate. Very impressive, folks! Everybody was ready for a day in the park.

The Universal Globe

I know I should've wait for the globe to turn and capture the whole "Universal" but who cares, I took a picture anyway. Let's proceed to the entrance gate, troop!

When the entrance finally opened and I entered the theme park, first thing that came into my mind was "Whoa! This is insane! This much of people flocking every single day, they are making a fortune! I'd like to amass a business empire as huge as this, too!" (thus it hits me right and square in my head right now, shit, I've got to get back on track making my own empire, and I will!). 

Found a cute diner in Hollywood with my name on it!
See?! Hehe

We were just walking past Hollywood and New York quickly to go to the Sci-Fi City and directly queue for The Transformers ride, heard that it has the longest queue. But couldn't resist the urge to take some pictures on the way just before everyone else flocking.. So..

Hello Cookie Monster, Big Bird and Oscar! ^_^

Wondering what will I become..

Well, I am a doctor!

How about the rest of the gang?

Me - doctor, Monica - engineer, Intan - illustrator

While passing through New York..

Pharmacy, eh? A doctor can't get away too long from "medicine" apparently *sigh


Okay, nuff pictures gals! Let's ride The Transformers!

Bumblebee is waiting for us at the entrance!

I must say, it was FUN! Yippee, let's ride again after we finish going 'round the whole park!

Passing the Battlestar Galactica.. Crazy roller coaster, not sure I'd want to ride on it if it was open tho *not a big fan of roller coaster :(

At the Ancient Egypt while we were going to The Mummy ride, I had to brave myself to ride this one. One, I am not a big fan of roller coaster, two, I was scared of anything mystical related and I hated the movie, The Mummy. But I rode anyway, I've paid to experience all the rides.

Why I hated the movie? Well, the first movie I watched in the cinema was The Mummy, I had to watch it against my will just because I was gonna watch a cartoon, Atlantis, but when my friends and I arrived at the cinema, we were late for Atlantis. My 2 other friends decided to watch The Mummy, so it was 2:1, I lost, and it was the most terrifying 2 hours of my juvenile life. That's the story.

At The Lost World, in front of the famous gate, Jurassic Park! One of my favorites since I was kid.

Teaser only ehehe, we walked past the Jurassic Park tho, we saved it for the last. Warning in advance, the ride would get us super wet! So, save the best for the last! We've prepared a change of clothes and flip flops especially for this ride ;) *little did we know it was gonna be useful later, I'll spare the story for later

In the land Far Far Away..

We visited the castle to see Shrek and proceed to the Puss in Boots.

How was it?


After that we were hungry and headed to my diner, Mel's Drive-In, hehe. And that was our first round of the theme park. Finished fueling our energy, wouldn't be a good idea to directly hit those roller coaster rides. We went for the slower pace rides, strolling around and taking photos for a bit.

From afar

Found my dad's name now :D

Sesame Street street performance

Now it's almost time for the Waterworld show, we again walked towards The Lost World. 

Walked past the Far Far Away once more to pose in front of the castle and brave the sun *o*

Ooh, almost blind *o* Too hot!!

Ain't nobody too old for a merry-go-round in Madagascar!

Then we finished our second round. Twice already! Curious with the Steven Spielberg stage, we ran into the queue. Worth the queue, it was cool, no wonder they "Universal" made it this far. Great special effect!

When we were out from the Steven Spielberg's door, I felt few drops of water "Oh, they sprinkle us with water, still part of the show, eh?" Then we literally looked up to find that it was actually raining cats and dogs, NOO!! Luckily we were full throttled, we brought umbrella with us as well, rain wouldn't get in our way! *perks of having ourselves fully equipped. We even changed to flip flops. A lot of the tourists were drenched and had to find shelter because it was so sudden, it was really hot and then suddenly it was raining heavily *again, perks of bringing everything with you because no one could ever predict the weather, we are trained in Indonesia

Out from New York to Sci-Fi, braving the rain through the Ancient Egypt to The Lost World, we were ready for the wet ride we thought but unfortunately the ride was closed due to bad weather, whatt?! Uh okay, well, we decided to buy ponchos so we could walk without worrying our backpacks getting wet. So here we were, in the middle of the rain, walking around the park with ponchos, flip flops and umbrellas, TRIPLE COMBOS AGAINST THE RAIN. We tried to find a restaurant to snack because we kinda felt hungry but the seats were all taken, no empty seats, no kidding. Finding no seats to rest, we decided to just walk around, we wouldn't get wet anyway. So, one more lap around the park. And we're back to the Hollywood. That's the third round!

There were plenty of benches in Hollywood so we could rest our almost-gave-up legs. Time to take some pictures again! With the minion this time!

Papoy! Does it mean hello?

After some quality time with minion and our legs well rested. Hey, the rain stopped! Let's go to the Jurassic Park again for our final last ride and take some photos with T-Rex :D

Good girl :)

It's getting darker as we were leaving the Jurassic Park..

We've survived the Jurassic Park! *this pic taken earlier before the rain

And that's a whole day spent at the park! 
Good bye for now! Our legs gave up :(

1.. 2.. 3.. Papoy!
Me thrilled to meet The Cruisers! Wait, who are these guys again? Ah, never mind, they're cute <3
7pm, closing time


- meLLe -

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