
just my luck? blessed ~

As you know, I've been so stressful lately, I've been studying the whole time for the entrance exam. Panicking how to finish the monster pile of materials while pondering and procrastinating. The most nerve racking thing is the practical one called OSCE because I have never done such thing and I have no idea how to perform it exactly just the way they do it.

Then, I was waiting for the letter they (the university) were gonna send me. Okay, I'm waiting here! Then 2 weeks passed, not any single sign of letter coming to my house. Every time I heard any postman coming with their distinct motorcycle sound, I'd look out whether it's my letter. Okay, one week before the last week of February, I can't wait any longer. I needed to know when. And I called the person in charge AND he said that I will only have the written exam, NO OSCE. Hooray! Thank You, Lord! 
*feeling much much better and relieved

I've been longing for an answer, a sign, maybe this is it!

Thank You, Lord!

Now gonna work my ass off!


- meLLe -

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